
This is the atom package for the language swig.

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language-swig package

This is a package for the swig which is a simple, powerful, and extendable Node.js and Browser-based JavaScript Template Engine.

Features of swig

  • Available for node.js and major web browsers!
  • Uses similar methodologies as Django, Jinja2, and Twig template engines.
  • Express compatible.
  • Object-Oriented template inheritance.
  • Apply filters and transformations to output in your templates.
  • Automatically escapes all output for safe HTML rendering.
  • Lots of iteration and conditionals supported.
  • Robust without the bloat.
  • Extendable and customizable.
  • Great code coverage.

Language Definition

Swig assumes it is a subset of the HTML language definition. All HTML-based commands and preferences are extended via the Swig bundle.

This bundle adds support for tag-folding, Swig comments, and smart typing pairs.


All tags support tab-completion

{% block ${1:blockname} %}
{% endblock %}